Reckless Driving Charge Reduced to Defective Equipment in Loudoun County
December 2020
Client was stopped on Route 7 for driving 77mph in a 55mph zone in Loudoun County by a VA State Trooper. Client was charged with reckless driving because they were alleged to have been driving 20mph or more above the speed limit in violation of Virginia Code § 46.2-862. In this case, client left work early and was rushing home because their child was not feeling well. This case occurred during the coronavirus pandemic so the client was worried their child may have contracted the virus and need medical assistance given the child's recent contacts with others. This issue was explained to the trooper. We appeared in the Loudoun County General District Court and negotiated a reduction of the charge with the prosecutor to defective equipment which is a no-point non-moving infraction under Virginia Code § 46.2-1003. The client had a good driving record, took a driver improvement course, was polite and cooperative with the trooper, and had valid reason for the speed. The client was not convicted of the reckless driving misdemeanor but of a low-level infraction that carries no DMV points.
Practice area(s): Speeding / Traffic Ticket
Court: Loudoun County General District Court