Prince William County Reckless Driving Ticket Reduced to Defective Equipment
October 2020
Client was crossing the bridge into Occoquan in Prince William County and was stopped by a Town of Occoquan Police Officer for allegedly driving 71mph in a 40mph zone. Since the speed alleged was 31mph over the speed limit the client was charged with reckless driving under Virginia Code § 46.2-862. Client was a medical doctor with a good driving record that was driving to see their aunt who needed care. We appeared on our client's behalf in the Prince William County General District Court and negotiated a reduction of the reckless driving charge with the Town Attorney to defective equipment. This was a very good result because defective equipment under Virginia Code § 46.2-1003 carries no DMV demerit points and is a traffic infraction. Our client had a good driving record and has performed substantial medical services for the community to keep us safe and healthy and we are glad to have helped.
Practice area(s): Speeding / Traffic Ticket
Court: Prince William County General District Court