Prince William County Reckless Driving Charge Reduced to Defective Equipment
March 2021
Client was charged with Reckless Driving in Prince William County for driving 54mph in a 25mph zone. There was a companion failure to update driver's license charge. Client was en route to drop off a vehicle so a family member could use it to get to work and was running late.
Client had a couple of prior tickets on their driving record and this charge involved driving more than double the speed limit. Pursuant to our recommendation, they took a driver improvement course before court. They also took care to update their driver's license so it reflected their current address. The prosecutor ultimately agreed to reduce the Reckless Driving charge to defective equipment. Defective Equipment is a no-point non-moving traffic infraction (much better than the original misdemeanor charge). The remaining licensure charge was dismissed as complied.
We are happy for our client. A large part of their job involves driving and the coronavirus pandemic had impacted that job since they had less customers. A reckless driving conviction could have had severe consequences if they were convicted. Attorneys can be expensive but we get many calls from people that need us to undo their reckless driving conviction when they appeared by themselves for court. Unfortunately, in most cases, it is too late by then and many have lost their jobs having thought the Judge would simply reduce the charge for them.
Practice area(s): Speeding / Traffic Ticket
Court: Prince William County General District Court